Circo Sotto Sopra

cover of Circo sotto sopra - APS Artelego

Seventh edition winner

Circo Sotto Sopra (Upside Down Circus) is a project dedicated to childhood and adolescence, born in 2017 within the APS Artelego, which operates in Bologna and Ravenna. The project is based on the previous experience of the Circo-Teatro Educativo e Sociale (Educational and Social Circus-Theatre) whose main objective is to promote the healthy development of children and young people: not only motor development, but also relational and social one, proposing different activities related to the world of the circus and theatrical arts. Through the skills of our "Oper-Attori" (OperActors), we use a methodology focused on dramatisation as a means for learning and on play, which is transformed from an unstructured activity into a creative and constructive one, with fundamental rules useful for growth.


Circo Sotto Sopra provides various artistic, educational and social activities starting from the Theatre-Circus techniques: produces shows for children and adults, offers workshops, annual courses and learning paths in schools and cooperates with the district authorities of Bologna especially in peripheries and wherever community aggregation is needed. Our aim is to become a cultural reference point for families and citizens, with a view to social integration: for this reason we want to start a Theatre-Circus pilot project dedicated to autistic children, to help improve children's social skills and promote their autonomy.


Tel 3280178208 (Giorgia, organisation manager) 3287312861 (Mariagrazia, operational manager)

Legal address: via Corsica 6 - Casalecchio di Reno (Bo)

Operational address: piazza dei Colori 28/a - Bologna


