Bologna Zerodiciotto
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Citizens in Training

cover of Citizens in Training

The path of education to legality starts again in a school context

“Citizens in Training” ed.2023/2024 is underway, as part of the larger “School of Democratic Legality” project and for which the agreement between the Municipality of Bologna and the Region-Emilia-Romagna has been signed and the announcement has been published that made it possible to select partners to carry out the activities of promotion and awareness of the culture of legality.

The actions for the 2023-2024 school year, in the school environment, are aimed, as in previous editions, at primary schools (fifth class), first and second grade secondary schools.

>> Teachers interested in participating with their class can consult the catalog presenting the courses and related in-depth sheets.

>> The registration has been extended and can be made by Friday, February 9, 2024 (using only the link to the chosen route in the catalog).

At the end of the course, a return event for the classes that participated in the project.


>> The Citizens in Training project is co-financed with the funds of Regional Law 18/2016 “Consolidated text for the promotion of legality and for the enhancement of responsible citizenship and economy”