Teen Maps
In this map you will find the places in the city of Bologna that offer extracurricular educational, laboratory, recreational, listening and counseling activities for boys, girls and their families.
Agucchivia Agucchi, 182
Arnovia Arno,38b (interno 14)
Asiagovia Asiago, 33
Beroaldovia Beroaldo, 12/2
Bunker 40131Via Agucchi, 284/B
Casa Giallavia Casini, 5
Centro Polifunzionale Bacchellivia Galeazza, 2
Centro polifunzionale Abbavia Abba, 6
Centro polifunzionale Il Pallonevia del Pallone, 8
Doposcuola Saragozzavia Felice Battaglia, 20
Giacosavia Giacosa, 6
Gli Ortivia degli Orti, 60
Il Treno - piazza Giovanni XXIIIPiazza Giovanni XXIII, 21 A/B
Il Treno della Barcavia Baldini, 7A/B
Katia Bertasivia Fioravanti, 18/3
La Torrettavia Sacco, 14
Libiavia Libia, 53
Longhivia Longhi, 8
Marco Polovia Marco Polo, 21
Martellivia Martelli, 37
PepoliLargo Cardinal Lercaro, 14
Piazza dei Coloripiazza dei Colori, 4
Pietralatavia Pietralata, 60
Polo Panzinivia Panzini, 1/B
Populoniavia Populonia, 2
Scalo Malvasiavia dello Scalo, 22/2
Scandellaravia Scandellara, 56
Servizio educativo Distretto Abba solidalevia Abba, 26 c/d
Spazio di opportunitàvia Martinelli, 18
Via delle scuoleVia delle Scuole, 25 , Bologna
Municipal extracurricular services
They are aimed at boys and girls aged 11 to 16; they offer laboratory activities that promote academic success and an educational context in which to experiment with reception, listening and participation; they promote the encounter and socialization between boys and girls by organizing activities for a conscious management of free time and that encourage their leadership.
These services are active in the afternoon for girls, boys, girls and boys in primary and secondary school. They are mainly managed by private social entities (parishes, associations, etc.): they offer support for studying, carrying out homework and carrying out recreational activities.
Help with homework in the library
Study assistance service and assistance in carrying out the tasks assigned to an active school in some municipal libraries.
Information and consultancy services
These are free services aimed at parents and teenagers that offer a space for listening and targeted advice.
In each District, the SEST | Territorial School Educational Services are also active, which take care of the design and promotion of initiatives and opportunities to support boys, girls and adolescents in connection with schools and other local services: the SEST include the School Office that deals with access to services schoolchildren from 0 to 6 years old, collection of registrations/admission and definition of fees also for supplementary educational and school services, provision of contributions for textbooks and contributions instead of meals, collective school transport, individual transport for students with disabilities, pre-school and post-school, post-school lunch, educational assistance.
For reports on this map write to: cittaeducativa@comune.bologna.it
You can also consult the Map of Community Social Resources, where you can find places in the city of Bologna that offer activities, services and projects promoted by public bodies, the third sector, and local organizations. The map stems from research carried out by the Territorial Social Services, in collaboration with the Network Offices of the Districts.