Ordine Degli Architetti della provincia di Bologna

logobasebreve.jpgEstablished in 1923, the Professional Association of Architects is a non-economic public body under the supervision of the Ministry of Justice. It keeps the Register of Members and balance sheets, expresses opinions on professional fees and supervises and protects the profession and its principles. The Association has the primary objective of protecting the community, guaranteeing that its members possess the knowledge, competence, morality and ethics necessary to carry out this profession. It also establishes a dialogue with the territory so that architects can do their jobs in the best conditions possible. ACTIVITIES The Association has created Commissions and Working Groups (http://www.archibo.it/le-commissioni) as operative bodies to focus on topics of strategic importance for its members: Tender, Culture, Training, Social Security, Regulations, Landscape, Sustainability and Archive of Bolognese Architects. All members of the Commissions and Working Groups are volunteers and unpaid. The main objectives are to:
  • involve members in the management and institutional mission of the Association
  • promote the Association and its headquarters as a “House of architecture”
  • define a critical conscience and proactive stance on current events
  • promote the image of architects
  • provide services to its members on various topics
  • facilitate the exchange of information between members relating to the profession's problems
  • promote activities and initiatives beneficial to as many people as possible.
TIPS: Bologna's Professional Association of Architects was the first in Italy to adopt an association balance sheet: www.archibo.it/bilancio-sociale The contact person within the Incredibol! call is the architect Federica Benatti. Partner since 2010 CONTACTS Via Saragozza 175 – Bologna +39 051 4399016 info@archibo.it www.archibo.it Facebook Click HERE to download the form in A5 format. copertinafoto_consiglio_02
