Poetic Politician

cover of Poetic Politician

Second edition of the theater and active citizenship project aimed at all secondary schools in Bologna and all interested parties between 14 and 19 years old.

Poetic Politics starts from five macro themes identified by boys and girls who participated in the dedicated focus groups that took place between March and April 2024: these are themes, keywords and five recommendations to adults on how to conduct theater and active citizenship workshops in the next school year.

Politico Poético starts again from the voice of boys and girls, with the aim of building paths based on the needs of today's adolescent and with the intention of giving, through dedicated tools, a response and follow-up to the requests that have already emerged and that will emerge.

The project is proposed for two consecutive school years and involves the activation of free theater and active citizenship workshops: starting from December 2024, hundreds of teenagers from all schools in Bologna will be called to imagine and tell concrete proposals for their future, based on the themes chosen by their peers in the first stage, proposals that will be presented at a final event in April 2025.

Among the novelties of this edition, there is also the creation of a community fund for the new generations of 30,000 euros, made available by the Rusconi Ghigi Urban Innovation Foundation, through which to concretely finance the proposals of the city's girls and boys. In addition, following the indications received from boys and girls during the course, a civic representative body for adolescents will be created, through which the youngest can express their indications on the future

of the city.

Finally, the University of Bologna, in collaboration with the Rusconi Ghigi Urban Innovation Foundation, will carry out research on new forms of youth activism and on the most widespread practices of participation.

Poetic Politics is an integral part of Radically Adolescents, the strategy with which the municipal administration intends to respond to the numerous requests of the city's girls and boys, for greater civic commitment and leadership, following the new methods of activation and contemporary languages.

Poetic Politics is a project of the Teatro dell'Argine, in collaboration with the Rusconi Ghigi Urban Innovation Foundation, co-financed by the European Union - European Structural and Investment Funds National Program Metropolitan Cities and Southern Medium Cities 2021-2027.