Fondazione del Monte

logo The Fondazione del Monte of Bologna and Ravenna is one of the 88 Italian banking foundations. Its roots are dated: they go back to the Monte di Pietà of Bologna, established in 1473, and to the Monte di Pietà of Ravenna and Bagnacavallo. It is a private, independent, non-profit organization. The work of the Foundation, developed in the areas of Bologna and Ravenna, exclusively pursues aims that are socially beneficial and of collective interest, and is guaranteed by the proceeds arising from the management of its assets, exercised in order to preserve and increase their value. ACTIVITIES The Foundation focuses its efforts on four main areas of interest: culture, welfare, research and territory. The Foundation invests in social welfare and support. It supports culture and the production of culture. It contributes to the preservation and development of artistic heritage. It supports scientific research and the development of the local communities. It promotes innovation, creativity, cooperation. It engages with young people and supports the schooling system. The mission that the Foundation carries out through its areas of interest continues, over the years, to provide an active presence on the territory, a solid reality that listens to the communities and helps to build their future. For Incredibol the Foundation established special awards for projects that were particularly worthy of attention in the territory of Bologna and Ravenna. Partner since 2014 CONTACTS via delle Donzelle 2 - Bologna Tel. + 39 051 2962511 Facebook Twitter Canale Youtube Click HERE to download the form in A5 format [gallery ids="4409,4411,4408"]