DanCER Project

cover of DanCER Project

Hip hop dance courses for girls and boys from 7 to 10 years old

What is it?

DanCer is a project dedicated to boys and girls who love to dance and be in company.
It offers free hip hop courses taught by professional teachers who, with their talent and their stories, will inspire students.

Who is it for?

DanCer is aimed at boys and girls between 7 and 10 years old: courses for primary schools take place during curricular hours in schools in Bologna.

Why hip hop?

Dance is a universal language and hip hop allows you to try your hand at fun choreography even after a few lessons.
Dancing together you meet new friends and you feel part of a group, even more important after two years of isolation.

Duration and period

The project is in its seventh edition and lasts 6 months: it starts between the end of October and the beginning of November, until May of the following year, following the school calendar.

Where will the lessons take place?

DanCer involves four districts of the city of Bologna: Navile, Porto-Saragozza, San Donato-San Vitale and Savena.
The lessons are weekly and take place in the gyms of the Comprehensive Institutes that have made themselves available to host the courses.

DanCer has the patronage of the City of Bologna and SIAE and the support of the School Department, the Navile District, the San Donato-San Vitale District and the Savena District of Bologna.

Visit the DanCer website for all the info: