Bologna Zerodiciotto
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Requests for hosting international Delegations in 0-6 Services

cover of Requests for hosting international Delegations in 0-6 Services

The 0-6 Educational Services of the Municipality of Bologna open their doors to the European dimension by hosting teachers, educators, pedagogists and experts on topics of interest to schools in mobility from other international countries within the Erasmus+ Programme

Hosting staff from schools of other countries means benefiting from international comparison and openness to different cultures, languages, educational and teaching systems and practices. It’s an experience of great impact for all educational services.

These are opportunities to create a reciprocal exchange that makes it possible to activate reflections and pedagogical research around the culture of childhood and education.  These opportunities bring out our educational system’s characteristics and its institutional framework, as well as the importance of a broader vision towards other countries and innovative approaches.

Informal opportunities for visits and exchanges can also give rise to more focused collaborations or projects between different countries. The possibility of networking and mutual knowledge means developing research and innovation in support of the services’ quality for children and families.

How it works

Visits take place in Preschools education services from 0 to 3 years or from 3 to 6 years, Children and Family Centres, Territorial Educational Services.

Staff mobility activities (job shadowing or more projects) can be organized with the requesting accredited organizations and always included an online meeting to define together the Learning Objectives of the activities. 

Visits to the 0-6 Services may take place over one or more days and include moments of dialogue and discussion. Meetings may be organised with a representative of the Citizen Pedagogical Staff for advice and collaboration on research topics or for possible proposals for collaboration in broader projects for development of good practices or educational innovation.
Visits can also be requested by Italian delegations, filling in the online form.

How to apply for a visit 

To request a visit to the ZeroSix Educational Services, please fill in the online form.
Erasmus Team will contact you to inform you if your request has been accepted or rejected on the basis of specific reasons.

To find out about the system of municipal ZeroSix Services you can consult the following sections of our website and the ZeroDiciotto website: