Politico Poético Second edition

cover of Politico Poético Second edition

Thursday, May 2, 2024, the presentation press conference

Thursday, May 2, 2024 at 12 noon, at the Luca Savonuzzi press room in Palazzo d'Accursio (Piazza Maggiore 6, Bologna), there will be a press conference to present the second edition of the Poetic Political Project.

Speakers will be:

  • The Mayor of Bologna
  • the Councillor for the School of the City of Bologna
  • Andrea Paolucci, artistic direction Teatro dell'Argine
  • Michele D'Alena, Rusconi Ghigi Urban Innovation Foundation

The boys and girls who took part in the focus groups of Politico Poético II edition will be present

Poetic Politics is a project of the Teatro dell'Argine, in collaboration with the Rusconi Ghigi Urban Innovation Foundation, co-financed by the European Union - European Structural and Investment Funds National Program Metropolitan Cities and Southern Medium Cities 2021-2027.