Zerodiciotto APP

cover of Zerodiciotto APP

Bologna Zerodiciotto is the free App for mobile devices of the Education, Instruction and New Generations Area of the Municipality of Bologna.

With the Bologna Zerodiciotto App you can:

  • receive real-time communications relating to changes in school opening times and days, or notices on the publication of notices for access to educational and school services and their deadlines;
  • communicate the absence of your son or daughter at school lunch;
  • revoke an absence from lunch already reported;
  • require a two-day light diet;
  • always stay informed on news and events taken directly from the Bologna Zerodiciotto website.

Download the App for free from the Stores

Do you want to make a report on the Zerodiciotto App?

If you have had problems installing the App or if you want to report a malfunction you can write to:

When creating a report it is important to obtain this information:

  • When the error occurred (date and time)
  • Logged in user (tax code and/or email)
  • Affected app area (e.g. Home page, reserved area, ...)
  • Functionality affected (for example sending absence, consulting a news item)
  • Screenshot of the app
  • App version number
  • Device
  • Operating system