Bologna Zerodiciotto
it / en / fr

Centro per bambini e famiglie Il Focolare

cover of Il Focolare Children and Families Center

Space dedicated to boys and girls from 0 to 6 years old together with their families or reference figures, where boys and girls, parents and grandparents can play, read and have fun together.

It is a space for meeting and socializing where you can be with your child in a situation dedicated to play.
A place where adults can talk and play, welcomed by educational staff.

Storytelling, exploration and play activities are proposed, with the use of recycled materials (paper, cloth and colors...) and natural (wood, pine cones and sand...).

How to log in

Up to 6 months old boys and girls do not pay, after 6 months the first access is free. Then you need to buy the Baby Pass:

  • 10 tickets: 18.17 euros;
  • annual (12 months): 90.84 euros.

Cost of courses upon registration: 30.28 euros.
The boys and girls are accompanied by a reference adult.


The service is open from 8.30 to 12.30 and from 2.30 to 18.30.

  • Monday morning: 0-6 years old;
  • Tuesday morning: 0-12 months;
  • Tuesday afternoon: 0-6 years old;
  • Wednesday morning: 1-2 years;
  • Thursday morning: 2-6 years old;
  • Friday morning: 0-6 years old.
In the months of September and June, taking advantage of the nice days, the CBF Il Focolo moves to the San Donnino park on Tuesday afternoon.
From 3.30 pm to 6 pm we are waiting for you to “play without games” and to listen to our readings on the lawn.
From October to May, the activity will take place regularly within the CBF spaces.