Bologna Zerodiciotto
it / en / fr

Centro per bambini e famiglie Populonia

cover of Populonia Children and Families Center

Space dedicated to boys and girls from 0 to 6 years old together with their families or reference figures, within the Multifunctional Center, which also houses the Youth Aggregation Center and initiatives and projects of local realities.

Who we are

The Children and Families Center is an educational service to support relationships and play; it welcomes girls and boys from zero to six years old accompanied by their parents or reference figures.
The educational offer includes free access proposals and enrollment courses, game situations for age groups and infant massage courses, meetings for moms and dads or reference adults on specific topics.


  • Monday 9-13
  • Tuesday 14.30-18.30
  • Wednesday: projects upon registration
  • Thursday 16.30-18.30
  • Friday 9-13