Bologna Zerodiciotto
it / en / fr

Centro per bambini e famiglie Piùinsieme

cover of Più Insieme Children and Families Center

Space dedicated to boys and girls from 0 to 6 years old together with their families or reference figures.

Children's Space

  • Tuesday and Friday from 8.30 to 12.30 for boys and girls from 16 months to 3 years old.

Families who intend to experience brief experiences of detachment and autonomy can entrust their children to educators for two mornings a week (Tuesday and Friday); children can be together, play with many materials and face new relationships and situations.
You must register by submitting an application to your neighborhood of residence.

Access to free users

for boys and girls accompanied by an adult:

  • Monday 8.30-12.30 and 14.30-18.30 for children 0-6 years old
  • Wednesday 9-13 for children 0-1 year
  • Thursday 8.30-12.30 and 14.30-18.30 for children 0-6 years old

Opportunities for relationships, meetings and games for children and their families where it is possible to create bonds of solidarity and friendship, to share moments of play with their children, to compare their experience with that of other parents, grandparents and educators.