International projects
Sweden Emilia-Romagna Network
Research and innovation of educational practices in children's services
Requests for hosting international Delegations in 0-6 Services
The 0-6 Educational Services of the Municipality of Bologna open their doors to the European dimension by hosting teachers, educators, pedagogists and experts on topics of interest to schools in mobility from other international countries within the Erasmus+ Programme
Developing an innovative IN-service Training model for ECEC Staff
European projects: a logbook
The ZeroSei Educational Services of the City of Bologna open up to an international dimension by participating in various projects with other European countries and within the framework of the Erasmus+ Program
Incoming Mobility Reception 2023/2024
The City of Bologna opens the doors of its 0-6 Services (kindergartens, centers for children and families) to the dimension of international confrontation, also through the reception of teachers, educators, pedagogists, pedagogists and experienced people from other European countries.