PCTO | Outcome of the 2024/2025 school year announcement

We would like to point out that, in relation to the expressions of interest received by the deadline of October 25 through the online form on the “Check Point” of the Regional School Office, in agreement with the Bologna School Office, we have proceeded to assign the available courses to the schools that had requested them.
In assigning the projects, the joint evaluation commission between the City of Bologna and the Bologna School Office, starting from the preferences expressed and the calendar availability reported by the individual schools, took into account the following criteria:
- arrival in chronological order of the expression of interest
- partial or total correspondence of the study addresses to the required profiles
- simultaneous equitable distribution of opportunities among the requesting schools.
All other things being equal, it was considered preferential that they had not yet been selected, for the current school year, in projects related to the paths for transversal skills and orientation already proposed by the Municipality, in its various articulations (Areas, Sectors, Institutions and Services).
In the downloadable pdf the prospectus of the educational institutions identified, which from next November 6 will be contacted to start the courses and will have 10 days to give written confirmation of membership; after this deadline without feedback, the path (s) will be assigned to another Institute in a useful position in the ranking
>> Let's specify that to satisfy the largest number of classes, after a comparison with the offices concerned, more requests have been accepted for some proposals than those provided for by the announcement.