A.G.I.O. | Reception, Play, Integration, Observation

Project to promote well-being and contribute to the prevention of distress, through psychomotor skills in kindergartens
The A.G.I.O. | Reception, Play, Integration, Observation project has been part of the educational design of municipal and state kindergartens in Bologna for years.
It is aimed at supporting spontaneous play activities and building on the specialized skills of psychomotricists on socialization processes and on the potential and opportunities of educational observation. The A.G.I.O. project involves 4-year-old girls and boys, teachers, parents, pedagogists and psychomotricists of the Quadrifoglio Cooperative.
The project is promoted by the City of Bologna and makes use of the scientific collaboration of ANUPI Education.
It involves the action of psychomotricists, both for the training of teachers and for the activities proposed within schools.