Bologna Zerodiciotto
it / en / fr

Social Media Policy

cover of Social Media Policy

What is a Social Media Policy

The Social Media Policy is a document that serves to manage and use in a correct, effective and coordinated manner the digital communication channels of Bologna Zerodiciotto, or the Education, Education and New Generations Area of the Municipality of Bologna.

The Bologna Zerodiciotto Social Media Policy is inspired by the Carta dei valori e dei comportamenti organizzativi del Comune di Bologna and the Manifesto della comunicazione non ostile. In line with these documents, the principles of Bologna Zerodiciotto's Social Media Policy are equality and impartiality, continuity, participation, courtesy, respect, responsibility, effectiveness and efficiency, clarity of messages.

What is a Social Media Policy for

Bologna Zerodiciotto's Social Media Policy serves to:

  • regulate the behavior of the people who manage the site and the digital communication channels of the Education, Education and New Generations Area and inform them about their responsibilities towards the Municipality and the citizens;
  • regulate the behavior of users within the digital channels managed by the Education, Education and New Generations Area, indicating how to behave in such a way as to always have a respectful attitude towards all other people.

What are the official channels of the Education, Education and New Generations Area of the City of Bologna

The Education, Education and New Generations Area of the City of Bologna, in a digital environment, has different communication channels with citizens:

All channels, newsletters, social profiles and sites not on this list should be considered as not managed directly by the Education, Education and New Generations Department of the City of Bologna.

What are the purposes of Bologna Zerodiciotto's digital communication

Bologna Zerodiciotto's website, newsletter, App and social network channels are intended to:

  • inform about times and methods of access to educational and school services managed by the City of Bologna;
  • promote activities organized or hosted by the services belonging to the Education, Education and New Generations Area;
  • report all those activities proposed by other citizens that are aimed at families with sons and daughters from 0 to 18 years old;
  • inform the pedagogical and educational professional community about opportunities for discussion and training.

What are the rules of conversation on our digital channels

The comments and opinions of each person are welcome on our pages: we therefore invite you to interact with us with interventions, to bring your contributions and to share your experiences.
However, the editorial staff reserves the right to delete all those comments that:

  • use rude or vulgar language;
  • are not relevant or free of charge controversial, especially if repeated;
  • are aimed at damaging the reputation of the workers and workers of the City of Bologna;
  • are offensive or defamatory against other users;
  • contain explicit references and sensitive data (name, last name, email address, telephone numbers) of the staff serving at the municipal services;
  • are not respectful of gender differences, sexual orientation and diversity of any kind;
  • are offensive against ethnic, political, cultural, religious or other minorities;
  • contain links to external sites or resources that are off topic;
  • are clearly commercial or advertising in nature;
  • have a clearly political nature attributable to party representations;
  • contain false or biased news;
  • do not respect copyright, registered trademarks and other legal rights.

We inform you that we may block the user who does not comply with these indications, that we may report to the managers of the individual social networks the contents harmful to the policy and that we will contact the competent judicial authorities in the event of interventions that exceed the limits of legality.


You can contact us by writing to the email address: